Although I have exhausted "Girl Boss" content, I read so many great reviews about the book "Girl On Fire" that led me to purchase it-And I am so glad I finally did! Cara’s book lit a fire in me. She offers excellent advice, implementable tools, and inspirational stories about her life and business.
Additionally, she asks well-structured questions at the end of each chapter to encourage introspection. I read the book first (it was that good), then went back to answer the questions.
Here are six lessons I learned from the book:
"Don't wait until someone gives you the title, or approval to be who you want to be."
Cara didn't wait for a publisher to publish her book. She worked her ass off and self-published on Amazon. She continued to write books, and despite not being signed to an agency, she gave herself the title of an author. Her story is a testimony that you should always choose yourself. Create opportunities for yourself and make things happen!
Although it might be frightening to pursue your dreams, don't let imposter syndrome rob you of the beautiful and endless opportunities life has to offer. In my case, although I haven't landed an analyst position, I downloaded free datasets and started sharpening my data manipulation skills. We have to stop using excuses and start becoming resourceful.
Have you ever been intimidated by someone with a remarkable career trajectory? After having multiple informational interviews with those successful people, I’ve learned that they don't have it all figured out. Through trial and error, they begin to see what sticks and consistently choose themselves.
If you're afraid to choose yourself because of what other people think, remember- "Don't take advice from anyone whose shoes you wouldn't want to be in." Many people offer unsolicited advice, and sometimes, it's not even relevant to your life. Filter out the good and bad advice.
"You must fearlessly and confidently chase your goals, and step into the next-level version of you-no matter how many customers you have, how much money you are making, or how much validation you're getting from the outside."
If you have self-doubt, just take action. Don't waste time over thinking about the how or why because it will only cripple you. In most instances, whether that be in business or your personal life, it's necessary to start and pivot along the way.
Cara includes an excellent quote from Reid Hoffman that encourages this philosophy-"If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."
Elon Musk is the poster child for this! He wanted sustainable cars and Boom! Tesla was created. He wanted to go to mars and Boom! SpaceX was created. He was mortified by LA traffic, and once again, Boom! He created the Boring Co. He has proved time and time again that you have to take action.
Some people may be hesitant to take action because they are afraid of rejection. Cara says that
"rejection is a crash course in self-awareness. We get a chance to become intimate with our own intuition."
When you get rejected, it might not feel this way, especially if it was an opportunity you were excited about. However, getting rejected gets easier once you have the 'rejection is redirection' mindset. Trust that your opportunity will come.
As Steve Jobs once said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."
Cara says, "The way you speak about your dreams is one of the most powerful forces in the universe." She says to visualize, in detail, what life would be like if you achieved your dreams. Your success is entirely dependent on your self-belief. You're the only one who holds self-limiting beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of achieving.
"You get to choose the woman you want to be. You get to make the rules. You get to have it all in a way that feels good to you. You can have a dynamic, creative, interesting business without feeling overwhelmed."
Cara wrote that her goal is always impact before income, and that generosity has taken her further in her life and career than a quick sale ever has. This is an admirable quality she possesses, and I'm glad she emphasized this in her book.
"Competition is an antiquated mindset that many people still cling to in almost all industries."
As I enter my mid-twenties, I notice the "life checklist" people scrutinize- engagement, marriage, children, homeownership, etc. Make sure you are being introspective when making decisions, and live your life for yourself and no one else.
Even if you try to copy someone else, you will never be able to be EXACTLY like them, and vice-versa. "Your brand travels with you through life, no matter what your career is." Be proud of who you are and cultivate your personal brand.
Although generosity is important, make sure you are not pouring from an empty cup. Cara says, "When it comes to privacy and boundaries and creating new standards for your life, you must know that nobody else's sense of peace and nobody else's sense of happiness is more important than your own."
Eliminate the people in your life who are not encouraging, supportive, or moving towards their own goals—Foster relationships with like-minded individuals who believe in you.